Friday, May 21, 2010

Delhi Belly in Andhra Pradesh

3AM. Wake up. Throw up. Sit Down. Bed. 4AM. Wake up. Throw up. Sit Down. Bed.

These are the events that lead me to 7AM. I thought I was going to be lucky. But half way through my stay in India, I became sick. By this time, many of the volunteers already got the notorious Indian gift that just keeps taking (rather than giving) from both ends. After taking two Pepto Bismol tablets offered by another volunteer, at least I wasn’t throwing up. One day of sleep and diarrhea. Without which, any Indian itinerary wouldn’t be complete.

The next day I was given some Indian medicine, which I have no idea what it was but definitely stopped everything. Since I was feeling better, but stuck in my hotel room, I had the opportunity to see hours of Indian television.

Unfortunately I think something also came back to Japan with me, or the Indian medicine wore off. This means I may have to force myself to see a doctor.

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