Monday was a morning of free eggs and toast at the hostel. Still no luck getting money from the ATM. After some research, it seems that my bank has a branch in Tokyo! Lucky me! After Google Maps, printer and paper I was off on my mission. Only to be left with disappointment. The building that my bank was in was invisible. Non existent. Broke! $20 in my wallet.
Another $5 beef bowl later I realized there is a customer service number on the back of my card. The simplest thing. So I went to the station and made an international phone call, thankfully I kept my calling card for such emergency purposes.
After 10 minutes on the phone, I felt like an idiot. The reason my card was being rejected was because I was attempting to withdraw more than my daily limit. My mind immediately went back to Nikko and the thought of me being able to try famous yuba only if I would have tried to withdraw about $10 less.
After this triumph I headed to a man made island called Odaiba. Honestly I have never really heard about it before, except from other people that have been to Tokyo. So I decided to check it out, and I did for about 6 hours. Basically it is a commercial consumer paradise. A huge mall and another mall that is built like the Roman Empire. It was kind of cool in a strange and surreal way. I guess that's what you get when you want to buy some Louis Vuitton. But, I don't love Louis.

Odaiba, Tokyo. Not New York.

When in artificial Rome, buy designer name brand clothes.
However, I do love $10 all you can eat taco buffets!
Today, I leave my hostel. Will most likely wander around Harajuku and see if I can find a sweet deal on a DSLR in Akihabara that I can purchase with a credit card. That way I can stop taking photos with my mobile phone. My plan to go to a vaccination clinic has been postponed until after payday. If my doctor in Kyoto offers tetanus and hepatitis A vaccines for India, I can probably get a good deal, since many times he even sees me for free. Or maybe I will just have to go to India the old fashioned way and pray to the gods that nothing happens.

Crowded streets of Harajuku
7PM I will meet some crazy Americans in front of a stone dog.