Friday, January 22, 2010

Cultural Cognition #2

I just finished watching a movie called "The Cove" and would recommend this documentary to everyone. Check out their website!

This movie exposes the whaling and more importantly dolphin killing that takes place in Japan. While most people know of Japan's whaling practices, very few, including Japanese, know of the atrocities towards dolphins. About 23,000 dolphins are brutally killed in Japan every year and this documentary exposes the harsh truth in hopes that this will change.

Don't get me wrong, I love Japan. But like many countries it has it's dark secrets. The great thing about this is that because Japanese rely a lot on keeping face and this movie basically rips their face off, hopefully something will actually happen.

Anyway, I would recommend you to buy, rent, download, stream or however you want to watch this film because it is worth it. It gives an insight into Japan, although a very dark approach which may make you want to hate Japan. Just remember, every country commits terrible acts and it is those that we don't hear about that we should worry about the most.

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