My English teachers half way up the mountain!

My small town in the valley below. Can you even see it?
So in order to catch the beauty of the changing landscape I took a 2 hour train ride north to a town called Kinomoto with about four other ALTs.


It is these moments in my life when I am surrounded by such beauty that I know I am blessed. Even though I feel my life is far from ideal and wish many times I could go back and change decisions in my life, where I am in the moment can sometimes be amazing and knowing that my current path has lead me there brings me a small amount of satisfaction. In the end we can't change our past, but we can definitely change our future. Although we will never know if we ever did, since the future only happens in the present.
I remember hearing once, "Change with the seasons." If seasons are for change, then Autumn must be the time to change your colors and how people see you. I am still reaching for my goals in life, to become the person I want to be. To find complete happiness in knowing that I have experienced the many aspects of life. This is why I wander.
Soon I will be wandering again. In less than four weeks I will be in Thailand! I still can't believe it and have not done any further preparations. I need to buy a large backpack and get my gears in motion so this trip doesn't sneak up on me.
I am definitely looking forward to it, but for some reason traveling just doesn't seem the same anymore. It seems like a lot of work. My real freedom is bound by my job. I can't really go get lost, because I have to be somewhere. I can't be as spontaneous because I have responsibility. One of my friends gave me a philosophical article about how "No One Should Ever Work" and would definitely say it is worth the read if you are interested in such things, it definitely made me think about the idea of "free time." It is crazy how most societies downplay play and deem work as noble. A hard worker is good! While I agree, I feel some of this logic is twisted. Do we become slaves to our work? How much can it change us?

One step closer.
If Autumn is a time for slow change and the New Year to start a new...
The moment is for skateboarding samurai gangstas!! Wait...what?

Remember to wear safety gear.
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