Friday, June 24, 2011

Yakushima: Day 3 - The Last Day

My last day in Yakushima wasn't a whole day. Most of it was spent repacking everything and checking out of the hostel.

The night before I went out to a izakaiya with about five people staying at the youth hostel. Besides the ancient trees and moss covered everything, the people I met on this trip will be just as memorable. The nights drinking shochu in the hostel and a few fantastic dinners made this one man trip anything but lonely.

Just to spite me Yakushima gave a sunny day after driving a motorbike through torrential rains. In order not to waste the day I rented a bicycle and headed out to a hot spring about 10 km away. So I slipped on my neon green plastic sandals, a temporary fix to my soaked shoes, which were five sizes too small and headed out.

The onsen was very tiny and to my surprise the only other guy in there was a foreigner who was also in Japan on the JET program. An even more interesting occurrence was that he knew the guy who I shared a hotel room with in Seattle before I departed for Japan two years ago. Apparently he is a Kumamoto JET and the guy I stayed with in Seattle, Jason, is going to be the Kumamoto Prefectual Adviser. It is a small world indeed.

After a soak I finished my last meal in Yakushima with black noodle ramen.

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