Last night some of my Japanese friends and I went to a club in Kyoto. I was expecting it to be pretty chill being a Wednesday night, but I couldn't have been more wrong. There were more people than oxygen molecules, and the music was fantastic. The cover charge for the club was about 4000 yen which is pretty expensive in Japan. Usually cover prices are about half. But with big names such as RIP SLYME it's no wonder. Most names aren't known internationally, but it would be like going to a venue with 3 or four famous people in the U.S. With that considered, I guess the 4000 yen cover wasn't even that bad.
The energy was high, and it was probably some of the best House music I have heard in a long time. To be honest though, the club was a little too packed. It felt impossible to try to meet new people because there was just too many of them. When everyone is packed together so tightly, your not sure if they are friendly or just standing next to you. Also dancing was almost impossible, so it was basically jumping up and down and yelling. However it was a blast!
When my friend was driving home, everyone was passing out from exhaustion in the car. I tried staying awake but kept dozing. My friend was so tired that while he was driving he was constantly slapping his knee as hard as he could so that he wouldn't fall asleep. It was humorous, and at the same time it is too bad that I can't drive four wheeled vehicles in Japan. Needless to say, we all made it back alive. So I guess knee slapping does work.
After sleeping until about 5PM I decided it was time for dinner. I rode my Honda Cub to the nearby town, Minakuchi, for some spicy curry. Recently I have been riding my motor bike a lot. I am actually surprised how much I like it! Within this month I have already put on about 500 km. Which is pretty insane. But if I don't know what to do, I ride. When I want to explore, I ride. When I feel bad, I ride. When I need to go somewhere, I ride. I may be on that bike more than I am in my apartment.
Yesterday was hot like summer. Ironically on the first day of Autumn, today, it became much cooler. I actually wished I packed a light sweatshirt while I was riding. The feeling is strange. The smell has changed, but its familiar. I can feel Autumn in the air. It is nostalgic, and also a little depressing. I now know for sure I have been here for over a year because I can easily remember what I was doing at this time last year. It will be getting colder again. Somehow it seems like winter just ended. This means I only have about 5 months to decide my next move. To go back to the U.S. To move to another place in Japan. It's a tough choice because my current apartment is nice and the job pays well and is one of the best English teaching gigs in Japan. If I leave JET I could be thrown to the dogs. But I could also live in a more urban environment and possibly have a better life. After thinking a lot, I decided I want to stay in Shiga or move to Kyoto instead of Kumamoto if I decide Japan will still welcome me. I like the Kansai area and want to be closer to Kyoto. I hope when the time comes I know what to do. If I can become a JET prefectural advisor, that would be ideal. Move to a more populated area, help ALTs, and teach once and a while while still keeping all the benefits of JET.
Now I am thinking of returning to Thailand and exploring Vietnam. Soon I will have to buy my tickets if it is really going to happen.
Oh, and after 14 months of sitting on the floor. I finally bought a sofa.