The weather is getting warmer and spring is creeping in though my window. The plum trees are blossoming and soon the cherry trees should start budding. With the change in seasons, I begin to notice more things around me, in my mind and out of it.
The road to my train station, which I ride at least two times a week, seems to have a random house or something that I have never noticed before. It is weird. Buildings which you think would be hard to miss after passing for the 40th time suddenly make appearances. It is as if someone re-arranges the street every night.
An example of this is a Hawaiian restaurant that I passed on my way to the bank the other day. Unfortunately it wasn't open. The sign said it didn't open until after 5PM. Even more unfortunately, the interior of the building looked completely empty. Most likely the cafe couldn't make it in my town and closed down, or the optimistic approach would be that it is brand new and they put up their sign before they furnished their restaurant...unfortunately I doubt the optimistic view. I was really hoping for a place with some unique food and even better, Hawaiian coffee within biking distance!

Besides this, I have been having the most frustrating experience of reaching for something so close to my grasp but not even opening my hand to grab it, or pulling back my hand because I actually fear getting too close and achieving the goal. This is so frustrating because I know I can do it, but make a subconscious decision not to. This is compounded by me knowing that this subconscious decision is based on fear greater than the fear of failing to achieve my goal. Within this new year though, I have made leaps and bounds but still trip on every other hurdle.
I still don't know what to do for my Golden Week holiday in May. India just doesn't feel financially feasible for me at the moment, but I really want to make use of a week long holiday, since they are far too few.
Also there is a weird religious site that seems to like to impersonate my blog address. That site is and you can notice they just can't spell spot...but yeah, I didn't read any of it because one of the first things it says is that the end is if they were right, I didn't want to waste my time.