That being said, December is going to be a busy month. Today I had five classes that I made an "American Christmas" quiz game for. Unfortunately the students seemed a little less enthusiastic than I hoped, but I guess I should be use to it by now. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up as a teacher, and why.
Speaking of teaching, this Friday I have to go and be Santa Claus at a Kindergarten. To be honest I am terrified. Both by the fact that there is going to be an immense language barrier between both me, the kids and the teachers as well as the pressure of being Santa and working with very young children. I usually don't know what I am doing when I am teaching or visiting elementary schools, but this is a whole new level of confusion and fear. I am hoping for the best! How difficult can Kindergarten Japanese be anyway right? Just worried that I won't understand the directions on what to do from the teachers.
My Japanese is definitely not progressing at the rate that I want it to. Even living out in the middle of nowhere doesn't force me to use Japanese because there isn't really anything I want to do, or know to do! It bothers me that I don't feel more involved at my school and in my community after being here for 5 months. I can't understand my schools morning meeting, I definitely can't read my mail (most of it I just ignore), and most of all I can't express myself both because of language and culture. I still feel odd just sitting in the staff room barely talking to anyone.
One thing I did accomplish though is seeing "Kouyo" (Autumn Colors) at my favorite temple in Kyoto, Kiyomizu-dera. I saw it the last night that they light up the leaves and it was beautiful.
Kiyomizu-dera Autumn Light Up
Another great thing is I didn't have to see it alone. Earlier that day a British friend of mine, who is also a JET, called me and asked if I was heading to Kyoto to look at the Autumn colors. When I said I was planning on going to Kiyomizu-dera it was settled and we decided to meet up. It actually helps to have someone to talk to for 30 minutes in the freezing Autumn air when you are waiting for the trees to light up.
Louise and I chillin' at Kiyomizu-dera.
Anyway, hopefully going to Thailand in less than two weeks will help ease my frustrations and depressing moments that I am having with my daily life in Japan. The ridiculous thing is that I am taking off a week of work to go teach kids in Thailand! Sometimes I wonder why they hell I am doing this. I have to make lesson plans, sell Christmas cards, and buy presents for MY VACATION!
Something is telling me it is the right thing to do though, although it seems hectic and anything but relaxing. In a way I think it will be a real learning experience for me. I have never done any volunteer work of this type, and in a way I hope I will gain something valuable. Many times I feel unappreciated and lonely in my current situation and I hope that for at least 7 days I can change this.
Not to mention I will be visiting a good friend for a day or two and also spending two days lazy on a beach watching the sun set over the ocean.
In the mean time I have a lot to prepare for making December very busy! Santa visits, normal work and Thailand, both the journey itself and the volunteer work I will be doing.